Specific objectives
SO1: Increase the teaching and learning capacity of MD, AM, GE universities thanks to the Programme Countries best practice on entrepreneurship, digital, communication and artistic/self-expression education (WP2)
SO2: Foster the infrastructure of co-creative hubs which support students who generate, develop, market their own innovative ideas through entrepreneurship &/or open innovation in three EaPC countries (WP3)
SO3: Improve students’ entrepreneurial behaviours, skills, mindsets of future start-ups and support recently incorporated companies at university settings (W4/4.1-4.4)
SO4: Introduce and implement the new and innovative form of interconnection of university-enterprise systems through join activities (WP4/4.5)
SO5: Improve involvement of students who do not automatically come into contact with entrepreneurial studies and enhance problem-based learning, entrepreneurial skills, behaviours, mindsets through the interdisciplinary approach by revising of curricula and dissemination events (WP3/3.3&WP4/4.4&WP5)