As specified in the Guide ERASMUS+, KA2, CBHE Projects aim to:
- support the modernisationn, accessibility and internationalisation of Higher education (HE) in the eligible Partner Countries(PC);
- support eligible PCs to address the challenges facing their higher education institutions and systems, including those of quality, relevance, equity of access, planning, delivery, management and governance;
- contribute to cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the eligible PCs (and amongst the eligible Partner Countries);
In accordance with the Guide ERASMUS+, these objectives could pursue in the eligible PCs, through actions that:
- improve the quality of higher education and enhance its relevance for the labour market and society;
- improve the level of competences and skills in Higher educational institutions (HEIs) by developing new and innovative education programmes;
- foster regional integration and cooperation across different regions of the world through joint initiatives, sharing of good practices and cooperation.
Thus, through joint cooperation of Programme Countries and PCs, exchange of experience and good practices, trainings, activities producing an impact on HE systems and outcomes that benefit principally and directly the organisations from Moldova (MD), Armenia (AM), Georgia (GE) involved in the project, also joint disseminationn, exploitation, quality assurance and management activities project proposal and its results contribute effectively to the objectives of the action CBHE in targeted MD,AM,GE.
The project and its results will give valuable impact on the HE systems at local, national, regional and EU level due to strong plan for dissemination and exploitation and will be used by the direct and indirect beneficiaries.
The structure of the CONNECT project was designed to build the capacity to create, accelerate and sustain innovative entrepreneurial students’ ideas and to promote collaboration between and among HEIs-students-industry with the support and assistance of EU partners.
The CONNECT initiative members will improve the quality of HE, the level of competences and skills of teachers, students in HEIs and enhance its relevance for the labour market and society due to the developed Competitive intelligences programme (CIP) for students and alumni, especially of those who do not benefit directly from entrepreneurial education(EE) but need it, which provided a wider umbrella and support framework for collaboration and mutual learning within and beyond the multi-disciplinary hubs as well as due to bottom-up approach with industry.
Competitive Intelligence Program (CIP) covers: 4 Courses
Course 1 (June 2021): on-line/ 1st part (additional cours)
- Digital teaching in university environment .
Course 2 (September 2021): on-line
- Corporality in motion / Body as a means of communication
- The improvement of the relationship between individuals and working groups using theater methods, concepts and games
- Film module (Video, including videos with a commercial purpose)
- Photography module
Course 3 (October 2021): on-line
- Acceleration Program for very beginners: From Idea to Business Concept: An entrepreneurial Journey
- Acceleration Program for incorporated companies (advanced level).
Course 4 (November 2021): on-line
- Business Communication
- Digitalization and digital communication
- Social media for business
- Digital platforms for business
- Digital tools for communication and content creation
Course 1 (December 2021): on-line / 2nd part (additional cours)
Digital teaching in university environment . CONNECT also is building on the previously created electronic platform (within other CBHE project) which support and exchange ideas on innovative projects and solutions, facilitate social networking, allow communication, share of information, knowledge with different stakeholders. Bottom-up approach will cover joint activities and events of companies with students, HEIs. Project unites full and associate members together to enhance collaboration, innovation, assure good dissemination and quality of the project results. Thus, regional integration and cooperation across different countries, regions and partners through joint initiatives, sharing of good practices and cooperation will be attended.